We spent considerable time evaluating the best products available so we could build a platform to be truly proud of. We were so delighted with the results we've put our name to it; meet the CronoSphere Enterprise Cloud Platform.


Our platform is built from the finest products from VMware, Dell, Pure Storage, EMC, Arista and Juniper. We have blended them together into a highly resilient and high-performance cloud platform with no single point of failure; in fact many key components run at N+2.
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Network and Security

We're breaking conventional barriers such as VLAN exhaustion by using the latest VXLAN technologies; all Private Cloud customers have a dedicated network fabric. Our public cloud offers complete network isolation so you don't need to worry about "bad neighbours". IPv6 enabled.
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Load Balancing

Whilst our platform can offer impressive scale-up, we can also offer a scale out model via our high performance Layer4 and Layer7 load balancing solutions. With support for health monitoring and session persistence customers can achieve additional capacity whilst simultaneously gaining application level high availability.
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Moore's law has enabled us to deliver affordable cloud firewalling with performance that rivals high end dedicated appliances. Naturally our cloud firewalls are automatically protected by VMware HA so there is no need to double up to cater for hardware failure.
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Case Study

  • Meetupcall

    Meetupcall provide HD quality conference calling for customers all around the world. A large number of technical challenges prevented Meetupcall from moving into the Cloud. Cronos solved those challenges with the industry leading CronoSphere platform.

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From the Cronos Blog

  • DR Made Simple

    Disaster Recovery (DR) is an important aspect most commonly overlooked or simply ignored by IT managers.

    What if DR could be included in a solution easily and without breaking the bank? In this article we show you how to achieve just that.

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We've got you covered

Service Monitoring

As well as 100% uptime on our CronoSphere hosting platform we can ensure that your web applications are working in an optimum manner 24x7 with true Quality of Service analysis.
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